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   今年的七月世界真精彩, 天災人禍, 美國選戰, 國家熱戰, 奧運大戰, 你想到的, 你想不到的, 歷史上未見過的也陸續爆發; 選戰的戲劇性超神奇, 從死士殺手到笑王取代睡王接力打懂王才短短幾天, 看新聞報導比看連續劇更有趣, 奧運的花邊新聞比實質比賽結果更吸引人;  風暴, 龍捲風, 熱浪, 山火, 黃石公園的大爆炸等, 會不會是今年大災難的起點? 中東戰火殺紅了眼, 俄烏的戰爭打瞎了世人的眼, 看不清, 不想看了; 死多少人, 死什麼人也不計算不報導了。傳媒騙得了觀眾, 但騙不了自己的良知, 反正國內選戰的報導有大錢收, 一小時新聞報足40分鐘選戰好了。
       教會如何面對這種世局? 不看, 不講, 不知道不就好了麼? 不少教會慢慢變得像個老人中心, 不單是外因像聚會人數年齡老化, 領導層老化, 連內因像內容形式思維也越來越適合老人; 這對老人是好事, 對年青人就是災難。也許那些國際大事離你太遠了, 死的人你又不認識, 龍捲風又沒有打到你家, 我是拿退休金過活的, 經濟起跌對我影響很少; 但有些事終久會直接影響著你, 你的家和你的教會, 從不接受到被迫接受, 網絡時代到智能時代, 冷酷的世界到虛擬世界, J Gospel Net 將帶大家探索解決之道, 過去我們都在時代潮流的底層, 但潮流既然影響新一代如此深, 那我們不如改變一下, 走到潮流的頂層去影響他們。
       四月我們已經談好與角聲佈道團合作, 建立全景投影佈道場所, 再與各教會開辦連串的福音聚會, 配合最新的影音科技開創沉浸式佈道事工的新領域。這將會是基督教佈道形式的歷史新里程。預計十一月初將會在角聲年會展現。
       另外卡通耶穌與小孩親自講聖經故事的項目, 如無技術意外, 將會在兩週後上線。

The world is really amazing in July this year, with natural and man-made disasters, the American election  wars, Olympic battles, things you can think of, things you can’t think of, and things you have never seen before in history are happening one after another; the drama of the election war is super magical, from dead assassinated to Democratic nomination change It took only a few days. Watching news reports is more interesting than watching TV series. The tidbits of the Olympic Games are more attractive than the actual results of the competition; storms, tornadoes, heat waves, wildfires, and the Yellowstone Park explosions, etc. be the starting point of this year's catastrophe? The war in the Middle East has killing uncontrolable, and the war between Russia and Ukraine has blinded the eyes of the world, making it difficult to see clearly and unwilling to see; how many people died, and who died was not counted. reported. The media can deceive the audience, but it cannot deceive its own conscience. Anyway, there is a lot of money to be paid for reporting on the domestic election campaign. One hour of news everyday coverage is enough to cover 40 minutes of the election campaign.
 How does the church face this world situation? Isn’t it better if we don’t see, don’t speak, and don’t know? Many churches are slowly becoming like centers for the elderly, not only due to external factors such as the aging of the church members and the aging of the leadership, but also due to internal factors. Content-form thinking is becoming more and more suitable for the elderly; this is a good thing for the elderly, but a disaster for the young generation. Maybe those international events are too far away from you, you don’t know the people who died, and the tornado didn’t hit your home. I live on a pension, and the ups and downs of the economy have little impact on me; but some things will have a direct impact in the end. With you, your family and your church, from non-acceptance to forced acceptance, from the Internet age to the intelligent age, from the cold world to the virtual world, J Gospel Net will take you to explore the solution. In the past, we were all in the bottom of trend. But since the trend affects the new generation so deeply, we might as well change it and go to the top of the trend to influence them.
 In April, we have reached an agreement to cooperate with CCHC Chinese Christian Herald Crusades to build a 270 panoramic projection Hall for immerse Outreach Events, and then hold a series of Outreaching gatherings with various churches, using the new media technology to create a new field of immersive evangelistic ministry. This will be a new milestone in the history of Christian Meeting. It is expected to be presented at the CCHC annual meeting in early November.
 In addition, the project of cartoon Jesus telling His own story to children will be launched in two weeks if there are no technical accidents.
 Please pray, remember and support.

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主僕 譚俊德牧師


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